seika malcom RCX-C

Seika Machinery’s Malcom RCX-1 Series Offers Complete Monitoring of the Reflow Profiling Process

Seika Machinery, Inc., a leading provider of advanced machinery, materials and engineering services, is pleased to offer the Malcom RCX Modular Profiler System with...
kic sps

KIC Releases 24-Channel Profiling Option

KIC is pleased to introduce the new Dual Profiling option for Profiling Software 2G and SPS Smart Profilers, allowing up to 24 thermocouple locations...
ARK mfg Dave Murrin

WPI Vision Appoints ARK Manufacturing Solutions to Represent the 3D SPECTASCOPE™

Today, WPI announced the appointment of ARK Manufacturing Solutions, LLC as its manufacturers’ representative. Dave Murrin, president and principal owner of ARK Manufacturing Solutions,...
hentec rps

Data Device Corporation Acquires Hentec/RPS Odyssey 1325 Lead Tinning System

Hentec Industries/RPS Automation is pleased to announce that Data Device Corporation has finalized the purchase of a Hentec/RPS Odyssey 1325 robotic hot solder dip...

SGS explores how E&E manufacturers can reduce costs of NRTL test

SGS explores how E&E manufacturers can reduce costs of NRTL test Electrical products used in US work environments must be certified by a Nationally Recognized...
xdry corp

Bentec appoints Sincotron Oy to distribute XDry Drying Cabinets

XDry Corp., a leading supplier of humidity-controlled storage cabinets for manufacturing, laboratories and preservation, today announced that its Master Distributor in Europe has expanded...
K&D Alan Siebenthall

Kirby & Demarest to Represent EVS International in the Northwest

EVS International, the leader in solder recovery, is pleased to announce the appointment of Kirby & Demarest as its newest manufacturers’ representative. Steve Kirby...
STI Prototype Development

STI Offers Prototype Development

STI Electronics, Inc., a full-service organization including engineering, contract manufacturing and training services, is a complete partner from schematic forward design through first article...
nordson assure innovative circuits

Innovative Circuits Arizona Installs New Assure Pro Intelligent X-ray Component Counter

Nordson TEST & INSPECTION, a division of the Nordson Corporation (Nasdaq: NDSN), is pleased to announce that Innovative Circuits Arizona (ICA) has purchased an Assure™...

Top-quality Wire Bonding Connections Guaranteed Thanks to QuattroClean Snow-jet Cleaning

Ultrasonic wire bonding has been established as a contacting method in the microelectronics and semiconductor industry for many years. The technology is also ideally...