Now firmly established in the electronics industry, the Viscom Technology Forum impressed everyone this year for the first time as a completely digital Internet online event. At the Viscom Campus in Hanover, Germany, the conference hall and one of the training rooms were transformed into professional recording studios.
Live streaming, specialist chats, personal video meetings and online surveys ensured that a networking could be realized that was as close as possible to the Viscom events familiar from previous years. Attendees used their screens to learn about the latest in inspection technologies, to ask the technical personnel specific questions and in turn to share their own experiences related to manufacturing and quality inspection. Afterwards, the workshop documents were made available for download on Viscom’s customer support website.
“We’re delighted to have created an opportunity to inform our international customers about all the new technological innovations from Viscom via this purely digital Technology Forum – despite the pandemic,” says Dr. Nicolas Thiemeyer, Head of Key Account Management at Viscom and overall moderator of the event. As a globally networked manufacturer of high-quality inspection systems that are primarily used in modern electronics production, Viscom traditionally places great value on customer proximity. In real terms, this entails extensive training and information options regarding software updates, system upgrades, application-specific solutions and the latest developments. At the same time, individual customer feedback is always sought. At the annual Viscom Technology Forum, this lively exchange of information takes place live and condensed over the course of two days – and in June 2021 this was done exclusively online. This was an experience that Viscom can use in the future for hybrid events – so that interested parties who cannot travel to and attend the event in person also have the opportunity to participate in full.

The very broad spectrum of concrete and in-depth topics covered at the digital Viscom Technology Forum 2021 ranged from metrological aspects such as the importance of ISO standard 17025 for the calibration of AOI and AXI systems to rapid inspection program creation and input data such as ODB++ to solutions for inline X-ray in the case of shadowing, PCB deflection or special inspection object sizes. Many sessions dealt with the topic of networking – be it planning production lines with IPC HERMES 9852 and IPC CFX, communication between the SPI inspection gate and other stations in the production line or, for instance, statistical process control and the associated use of databases.

Especially for offline X-ray, the advantages of an automatically generated inspection report were presented. Here, as well as for inline X-ray inspection, 3D reconstructions involving hundred percent inspection of voids, for example, and the avoidance of excessive radiation exposure of components were important topics. Those who were particularly interested in automatic optical inspection with 3D learned more about efficient solder joint and pin inspection, among other things. The development of optical sensor systems from Viscom over the past decades was shown in connection with high-resolution inspections in the wire bond area. In the case of bonds, the focus was also on height information of wire runs as an important quality criterion. What needs to be done in the case of different types of coating on the same layout and in other cases relating to conformal coating was the subject of a CCI presentation.
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