IPC presented its highest corporate honors to two IPC member companies, Shennan Circuits Company (SCC) and Foxconn, during the IPC Annual Meeting/Awards Ceremony at IPC APEX EXPO 2025. The Peter Sarmanian Corporate Recognition Award was presented to SCC, and the Stan Plzak Corporate Recognition Award was presented to Foxconn.

The Peter Samarian Corporate Recognition Award recognizes an IPC-member company in the printed circuit board (PCB) industry that has supported IPC through participation in technical and management programs while providing leadership for the industry.

SCC, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, is a leader in China’s packaging substrate field and electronic assembly manufacturing. Since 2008, SCC has actively engaged in IPC standards development and certification training. SCC embeds IPC standards into its employee training programs, strengthening professional expertise and optimizing quality management processes. They also actively participate in IPC CEMAC, a yearly event promoting international exchange and cooperation in electronics manufacturing.

The IPC Stan Plzak Corporate Recognition Award honors an IPC-member company in the electronics assembly industry (EMS) that actively contributes to the industry while supporting IPC technical and management programs.

Foxconn, established in Taiwan in 1974, is the largest EMS company in the world. An IPC member since 2009, Foxconn actively participates in the development of IPC standards, standards promotion, and talent development. Strong supporters of IPC’s sustainability initiative, Evolve, Foxconn developed IPC-1401 and IPC-1402, two leading sustainability standards, and the global implementation of the IPC-CFX standard. They have invested substantially in workforce development, training, and certifying professionals to IPC standards.

“SCC and Foxconn have consistently provided staff resources for standards development and other IPC programs and initiatives,” said John W. Mitchell, IPC president and CEO. “Their involvement has directly contributed to IPC’s global growth in the electronics industry, and we are pleased to recognize these two strong member companies with these prestigious awards.”

To learn more, visit www.IPC.org.