BSI committee MCE/3/2 helps develop and influence CEN/ISO standards relating to Machinery here in the UK, in Europe and internationally.

Currently, BSI are recruiting for new members to support the development of machinery standards for the polymer industry. The committee covers all aspects of the industry including injection, blow and extrusion moulding, ancillary equipment including mould clamping systems as well thermoforming and cutting equipment.

CEN/CENELEC and ISO standards are a vital part of keeping people safe in the workplace, ensuring that machinery and equipment is designed and constructed to be safe to use. With our new relationship with Europe, it is now more than ever that we need to have a say in the development of safety standards as while they are developed by the EU they will be adopted by the UK, often without modification and we will have to accept the requirements.

The committee usually meets twice a year and meetings are held virtually. There is the opportunity to be invited as a guest to see the work of the committee before committing.

So, if you have technical knowledge in any of these areas and would like to be involved – please let us know by contacting: