Justin Worden, the dynamic Global Sales and Marketing Director at Austin American Technology (AAT), is no stranger to creating a buzz in the electronics industry. Known for his engaging presence on social media platforms, Worden and AAT have gained recognition for their unconventional marketing strategies. This reputation was once again validated at the recent Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) – High Reliability Cleaning and Conformal Coating Conference in Dallas, TX.

The High Reliability Cleaning and Conformal Coating Conference, held biennially, features personal development and educational presentations by some of the electronics industry’s foremost cleaning and conformal coating specialists. Worden joined the ranks of these experts as a presenter, accompanied by AAT President Todd Rountree and AAT Founder & CTO Steve Stach.

Worden’s presentation diverged from the conventional format typically seen at such events. Instead of a solo presenter clicking through a PowerPoint, attendees experienced a unique and engaging session. The presentation began with a touch of humor, courtesy of technical difficulties with not one, but three malfunctioning microphones. Worden transitioned into an interactive style reminiscent of a late-night talk show host. The audience was treated to an energetic panel discussion, resembling a celebrity interview with Rountree and Stach.

Initial feedback from attendees was appreciation for hosting such an enthusiastic and memorable presentation. For many young engineers in the audience, the highlight of their week in Dallas, TX, was the opportunity to interact with Steve Stach, a pioneer in the industry. Others enjoyed the chance to reconnect with old friends.

As anticipated, Worden delivered a highly impactful experience during his inaugural SMTA presentation. His ability to engage and inspire left a lasting impression on all in attendance, further solidifying his reputation as a forward-thinking industry influencer.

To learn more, visit www.aat-corp.com.

About Austin American Technology:

Austin American Technology (AAT) manufactures and builds industrial grade cleaners for the electronics assembly industry. AAT cleaners are design-driven by the science of cleaning. Using modern technology, Austin American Technology is the industry’s premier leader as a specialized manufacturer of Batch Cleaners, In-Line Cleaners, Solvent Cleaners, Stencil Cleaners, and many more. AAT cleaners are used for the following applications: Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Cleaning, Surface-Mount Technology (SMT), Stencil & Misprint, Flip Chip, and BGA, in several industries including: automotive, medical, military, and aerospace. All cleaners are manufactured and built to each customers’ specific needs in Austin Texas. AAT invests in the technology so you can operate at top efficiency and save money.